Monday, January 11, 2016

2016: Starting the Year with Resolutions

2016: A new year filled with New Year's Resolutions.  Every year people make them, and most of the time they get broken.  I definitely tend to break more than keep.  This year though, I didn't make the typical "I want to lose weight" or "I need to exercise more" resolutions.  Sure, I would love to do both, and doing either one would be great, but this year I decided to go a different route.  

This year I have made 3 resolutions for myself.  1.  Be the best mom I can possibly be.  2. Read through the Bible in a year.  3.  Work on being a better Proverbs 31 woman.

#1 Be the Best Mom I Can Possibly Be.
This is a no brainer, but so important to me.  I always had such a great example of what a mom should be in my mom, that it will be so hard to live up to those standards, but I want to strive each and everyday to  be just as good of one as she is.  In doing this, I feel like I will become a better wife and person all at the same time.  I want Mackenzie to grow up feeling the love in our home, and knowing how important she is.  I want her to know that I am in charge, but everything  I do it is with her best interest in mind.

#2. Read Through the Bible in a Year.
This one is a little bit more tricky for me.  I seem to start this every couple of years, but about a month in I start missing days here and there and before you know it I have completely given up.  I didn't start this on January 1, I actually started today (January 11), but I really want to stick with it this year.  I want to be able to answer any questions with conviction that Mackenzie might have in the future, or anyone for that matter.  I want to know God's word better and form a better relationship with him.  The stronger my relationship with him is, the stronger my healthy relationships with everyone else will be.  This is so important to me, and I want God's love to radiate out of me so there is never any doubt of where my heart or intentions are.

#3.  Work on Being a Better Proverbs 31 Woman.
This is something I struggle with, and want it to become natural to me.  I want to be a better Proverbs 31 Woman in order to set an example to Mackenzie.  I want her to grow up showing these characteristics without even thinking about it.  More important I want people to look at me and say "I want to my actions to show the characteristics of a Proverbs 31 Woman just like her."  I look at some people I know, and strive to be like them.  That's what I want people to say about me.  

Some people may look at this and think these are weak New Year's Resolutions.  They may be, but these are the things that are most important to me.  These are things that I struggle with and want to become better at.  They may not be a "typical" resolution, but these are things that I want to be successful at to become a better person.  Achieving these things, will hopefully make me a more joyful person, one to let go of anger and be slow to anger or lose my temper, and a better wife and mother.  I want to strive to be more like Jesus everyday, and I want people to see me and see the changes I make.  I want people to encourage me in my journey, and I want God to help me remove any negative that brings me down.  I want 2016 to be a year that my family becomes a family that God's love pours out of us, and people notice a positive change.