Monday, October 12, 2015

Adjusting to Life with a 3 month old

Wow!  Where have the last 3 and a half months gone?  I ask myself this question every day, and I still can't answer it.  Just when I think we start getting in a routine, Mackenzie throws me a curve ball, and I feel like I'm starting from scratch. 

A little back story on why I decided to start a blog, and the journey to this point.

Not many people know, but we had an extremely hard time getting pregnant.  After several months of trying, my doctor decided it was time to do fertility drugs due to me having PCOS that was diagnosed when I was 14 years old.  I was put on Clomid and one of the side effects is weight gain.  On top of the weight I already needed to loose I gained about 20 pounds with the medicine.  We did 3 rounds of Clomid and after each round I would get blood work.  Each month passed and I was told that it didn't work.  After the third month my doctor told me that if we wanted to keep trying that I would have to go see a specialist. After much prayer and long discussions, We decided to postpone any more treatment for 6 months and enjoy life with each other. After 6 months we would revisit the idea of fertility treatment. About 2 weeks after the last negative test, I began to feel strange and bloated and decided to take a pregnancy test just because.  I had already prepared myself for another let down, however this time it was a little different.  It was positive.  After 6 more test, of 3 different brands, I was finally convinced it was actually true.  

Fast forward 9 months of a horrible pregnancy where I was in so much pain and so sick that I was unable to continue to exercise.  I gained around 35 pounds during pregnancy, and on top of the 20 I gained before becoming pregnant I was now up to needing to loose 55 pounds just to get back to pre-baby weight.  This isn't counting the 20-30 I needed to loose before that.  

So fast forward until now...

After Mackenzie was born, within 2 weeks I had lost 25 of the 35 pounds I gained during pregnancy (of course 8 lbs 8 oz of that was Mackenzie herself).  After I was cleared by the doctor at 6 weeks to continue normal activity, I immediately started exercising again. Withing a week, I was sick with a fever and sinus infection and had to postpone again.  Once I got over that one, I immediately got another sinus infection and double ear infection and had to postpone again.  Once I was finally well, I started saying tomorrow I will work out or tomorrow I will cook a healthy dinner.  Well tomorrow would come and go, and nothing would get done.  I always had an excuse, and always a good one since I'm always with the baby, but I continued to always say tomorrow.  

Well after 2 months of saying tomorrow I'm going to do (insert whatever here), I finally decided this weekend I was going to turn tomorrow into today.  Saturday, I went and joined the gym, and I started meal prepping.  Within 3 hours total time of grocery shopping, and prepping, I have 6 meals ready to throw in a crockpot for easy dinner.  Seriously, why have I not done this before?!  Yesterday, all I had to do was open a freezer bag and dump the food into a slow cooker and 7 hours later dinner was ready.  It was so easy to prep the food while Gill was at home to help with Mackenzie, that I now am going to start doing this every Saturday/ Sunday for the week.  This week I made Cilantro Lime Chicken, Spinach and Salsa Chicken, Low Fat Mexican Fiesta Chicken, Hawaiian Chicken, Lemon Pepper Chicken, and Sausage, Peppers,and Onions.  Our total grocery bill was around $150, but I bought fresh veggies to use instead of canned to try to cut down the sodium, and processed food.  I know, almost all chicken, but I don't particularly like beef, and chicken is just so easy to cook in a slow cooker.  I plan to post my favorite recipes after each week.

Now for the exercising.  This hasn't been quite as easy to get motivated to do.  I always use the excuse of Mackenzie was so fussy today, or she wouldn't sleep, etc. I also have a fear of leaving her with someone besides myself.  After hearing from several people who use the childcare at the same gym Gill uses, and how much they love it, I went for my own inspection this weekend.  I have to say I was actually impressed, and decided to bite the bullet and join that day.  I knew if I didn't do it then, I wouldn't.  Today is the first day I'm planning to go, and I have to say I'm a little nervous.  I'm so out of shape, and have a fear of being the person who can't finish a workout, can't keep up, or being judged by the way I look that this is really taking me out of my comfort zone.  This sounds dramatic, but it really has taken a lot of prayer for me to get to the point of going.  I know it is going to be hard, and I know I will have to make a conscious decision to go every day, but I have the motivation now to do it.  If I don't do it for myself, I want to do it for my family.  I don't want to be the mom on the sidelines who physically can't play with her kids.  I want to be the fun mom, out in the yard running around with my family, playing tag or ball.  

This blog is more for myself to help keep me accountable for what I'm doing.  No one else may read it, and it may annoy some people seeing another blog, but I don't care.  I want to see my progress as time goes on, and share with people my successes and failures.  I want to be "real" and not sugar coat how I'm feeling.  I know this is going to be a long difficult journey with lots of highs and lows, but I know as long as I have faith in myself, and ask God for the strength I need, I will succeed.  


  1. Great job taking the first steps!! It is so, so hard. You and I have very similar stories, as I'm sure you know. PCOS and when I got pregnant with the twins, I was just 25 pounds from my goal weight. Then I gained 70 SEVENTY pounds with the twins. My original OB was not comfortable with multiples at all and told me I had to immediately stop working out. Just 30 minutes of walking every day. So. 70lbs. I lost 40 in the first month after they were born (11pounds of babies, plus tons of water weight because of the pre-eclampsia). but then I was 50-55lbs overweight. After the girls were a year old, I finally joined a gym and over the course of time, I lost about 20 pounds, gained some back, lost some etc. Then I got pregnant with Bennett (quickly this time! If you choose to have more children, I hope for this same experience for you!) gained 40 with him-- and I've lost about 10 and he's 16 months old. But I'm actually in therapy now to help deal with some of my food issues, I'm seeing a dietitian and I'm working on building up to more mindful movement. Yesterday I actually started dreaming of running again! I have 60-80lbs I'd like to lose eventually.

    Maybe we can help each other be more accountable?

    1. It is so much harder than I ever thought it would be! It is so frustrating, the depressing, then I just want to give up and quit. Good luck with your journey! We can definitely encourage each other!

  2. Wow Katie I had no idea you had to go through all of that. What a sweet little blessing you have in miss Mackenzie. So glad you found a gym you like. My gym time helps me be a better mommy the rest of the days. And also I can't wait to hear about your favorite recipes. Keep taking it one day at a time!

  3. Katie, I love that you are writing this! I have PCOS too. I wasn't diagnosed until I was 24 and we decided to start trying to have a family. My OB put me on Clomid and "guaranteed" me that we would be pregnant after 3 rounds at most. Once the clomid didn't work and I felt like I had gone through menopause, my OB just said there's nothing else I can do for you, you'll have to go to a specialist. I went to 1 fertility specialist for about 6 months and had about 3 IUI with 1 miscarriage and no luck. I was referred by a friend to another specialist who sat me down and explained how I should be working out ( building muscle vs. cardio) and set me up with a diatician. I did 3 more rounds of IUI at his dismay bc my insurance didn't cover IVF and we couldn't afford it on our own. We went into credit card debt to pay for IVF meds for our last round of IUI and decided to take a 6 month break when it was not successful. Our new insurance was going to cover 1 round of IVF so we made the decision to do IVF in June 2014. In April 2014, after 2 years of crossfit and getting my PCOS under control, I wasn't feeling right and decided to take a pregnancy test expecting it to be negative as they always were and BAM it was positive! I was so shocked. I'm so happy we both got our miracle babies this year! Keep working girl, we'll both get back to where we want to be! I only gained 19 lbs up to the day of delivery and had lost 22 lbs by 1 week post partum, after my maternity leave and this summer I had gained 27 lbs back! I'm down 10 lbs now, but I won't quit!

    1. This was posted by me, Amanda Dodd, I can't figure out how to get it to post my name.
